My favourite subject, I have got so much!

Posted by Venomzero , Monday 28 June 2010 20:33

My favourite subjects in veterinary medicine are Anatomy, Fisiology and Patology this subjects are very intresting, extensive and very necessary for a student of any carreer that is connected with medicine, the first, anatomy, this is a science that study the structure, location and origin of this structure, too the develop to the vertebrate organism, so we can to understand the normally in the location of a structure, you could recognize a dead animal with anatomic details to difference it with other animal, animal age, like in the horses to mediate the teeth, or where there´s a vain to bleed, etc; with regard to fisiology, this science study how is the running to the normal animal, how many times to beat the heart,how is that an animal can smell or how the dog walk for example, on the other hand patology show us how is the running to the animal in the illness, why happened an hemorrhage or how to heal a bone. With these all, I can know the most about the animal to manage becoming healthy, and to be happy.

My favourites Websites........................You enjoy it?

Posted by Venomzero , Wednesday 9 June 2010 22:17

I´ve got three web sites related with veterinary medicine into my favorites web sites, Animal planet web site and two Veterinary Anatomy web sites; so the first web site, I like it so much, because has got a lot videos of animals from differents places, its life, environments, wild life, sometimes show it, some features as TV Show, where there´s a list of the TV shows from animal planet channel, and PETS 101, where show it about the pets guide and its characteristics, documentaries about parasites and others infectious agent in animal host, that are interesting for our career, too animal behaviour in cats, dogs and other domestic animals among more videos and documentary; the next web sites are very related to carreer due to the fact that is fundamental to study to the any animal, above all in veterinary medicine, these web site show it, dog´s dissected and the structure of them in pictures, as a on line atlas, the first in english and second in spanish, for practice before of your test or like reminder.

realy I haven´t got time, to visit a lot these websites, but when I can do it, see it

these website are very enjoy for me, because we never end to learn, and the knowledge is my fuel to exist!

Animal Planet

Dog´s Anatomy (Carnivore dissection)

Anatomy of dog´s limb